Blood Pressure Review If you have been advised by the surgery to submit your blood pressure readings on a regular basis please use this form. Name First. As it appears on your passport. Last. As it appears on your passport. Postcode The one used to register with your GP.Date of Birth Day Month Year Sex Male Female Other Phone NumberEmail Address Enter Email Confirm Email Please continue completing the form belowPlease provide the name of the person who requested your blood pressure readings (if known): Optional Smoking status Smoker Optional Never smoked Optional Ex-smoker Optional How many per day do you smoke? When did you give up smoking? Your Blood Pressure Please provide a minimum of one blood pressure reading, up to a maximum of seven. Day 1Date Day Optional Month Optional Year Optional Morning MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Evening MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Day 2Date Day Optional Month Optional Year Optional Morning MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Evening MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Day 3Date Day Optional Month Optional Year Optional Morning MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Evening MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Day 4Date Day Optional Month Optional Year Optional Morning MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Evening MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Day 5Date Day Optional Month Optional Year Optional Morning MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Evening MeasurementSystolic Top NumberDiastolic Bottom NumberHeart Rate Optional Average Systolic Reading OptionalThis is automatically calculatedAverage Diastolic Reading OptionalThis is automatically calculated I confirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge