Active Practice

Following our commitment as a practice to reduce sedentary behaviour and encourage physical activity for our staff and patients, we have been awarded the status of an ‘Active Practice’ by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in conjunction with Sport England.

Physical activity has a key role to play in helping people manage and improve their health and wellbeing, which in turn helps people to improve their overall health, reduce isolation, increase self-worth and confidence and feel part of their local community.
Better well-being overall, team building and feeling part of a work family, opportunities through work to access information regarding increasing physical activity.

Join us on our mission to be more active!

Leacroft Medical Practice is a Parkrun Practice.

Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in.

Walk, jog, run, volunteer, or come along and watch!

If you want to…
– Make friends
– Be part of a community
– Improve your health
– Be active
– Learn new skills
… there’s no better place than parkrun!

A free, 5k event

Every Saturday at 9:00am

Tilgate Park, Crawley

Join the Parkrun Family.