The Friends of Leacroft are a vital part of our patient community, made up of our Patient Participation Group (PPG) and the Practice Health Champions (PHC). They are volunteers who are interested in helping Leacroft Medical Practice, either by providing advice and feedback on services we provide or organising events for the benefit of other patients.
FOL is dedicated to representing all Leacroft Medical practice patients, by fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity across age, gender, and ethnicity.
Our mission is to enable patients to provide valuable input and feedback to the Practice.
By actively engaging with our patients and all of the practice staff, we will work to facilitate the smooth operation of Leacroft Medical Practice. Our primary objective is to support the practice in implementing future improvements and changes. Through open and constructive discussion, we aim to help the practice meet the diverse needs and expectations of our patients.
FOL is committed to promoting effective communication between patients and the practice. By actively participating in decision-making processes where appropriate and sharing patient views, we seek to contribute to the continuous development and enhancement of healthcare services at Leacroft Medical Practice.
Terms of reference
– Confidentiality: All discussions within the FOL are strictly confidential, and members are expected to maintain the confidentiality of any matters discussed unless otherwise stated. – Scope. FOLGP does not have the authority to address clinical matters but focuses on non-clinical aspects of healthcare provision. – Apologies for Absence: Members unable to attend a meeting must send their apologies in advance to the Secretary and Chair. – Agenda Items: Members should notify the Secretary and Chair of any agenda items they would like to be included at least one week prior to the meeting. – Minutes and Record Keeping: The Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of decisions made during each meeting in the form of minutes. – Representation and Recommendations: FOL is authorised to speak on behalf of fellow patients and make recommendations. – Decision making: Decisions within the FOL will be made by a show of hands. For a decision to be valid, a minimum of 50% of the group, including the Chair, must be present. – Casting Vote: If the group fails to reach a majority decision, the Chair will have the casting vote to make a final decision. – Membership: FOL welcomes registered Leacroft surgery patients from diverse backgrounds. All members are equal in their rights and responsibilities within the group. – Diversity: FOL values and promotes diversity in its membership, actively encouraging participation from patients of different ages, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds to join to ensure a broad representation of our patient population. – Membership Recruitment: FOL will actively undertake efforts to recruit new members through various means, such as awareness campaigns, practice communication channels, and collaboration with community organisations. The recruitment process will be fair, transparent, and open to all registered patients. – Review of Terms of Reference: These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually or as circumstances change, to ensure they remain relative and effective.
FoL members
Pat Champion (acting Chair) Maria Antoine Peter Bower (Secretary) Linda Bowman Terry Bowman Michael Grey Marie Harris Trung Le Trevor Shaw Anita Woolsey Garry Woolsey
Join the Friends of Leacroft
To join, please complete the online ‘FOL sign up Form’.